Hausgemachte Cannelloni mit weißem Spargel
Hausgemachte Cannelloni mit weißem Spargel
Zur Feier der Spargelzeit präsentieren wir dieses Gericht mit saisonalem Brandenburger Spargel in frischer Eierpasta und cremiger Béchamelsauce.
Versiegelte Packung einen halben Tag oder über Nacht im Kühlschrank auftauen. Hält bis zu 3 Tage im Kühlschrank.
Für schnelleres Auftauen: In warmem Wasser teilweise auftauen, dann länger erhitzen.
Nach dem Auftauen Verpackung in Bio- oder Kompostmüll entsorgen.
Cannelloni aufwärmen:
- Im vorgeheizten Ofen - 15 Minuten bei 200°C
- Oder in Mikrowelle - 800W, ca. 5 Minuten
Kräuter-Béchamel mit einem Esslöffel Wasser vermischen und entweder kurz vor dem Servieren über die Cannelloni gießen oder separat in einer Pfanne erwärmen.
Nach Geschmack salzen! Mehr Parmigiano ist immer gut, sowohl vor dem Backen als auch vor dem Servieren.
Ein frischer Salat ist die ideale Beilage zu den cremigen Cannelloni.
Eierpasta (Weizenmehl, Eier, Reismehl, Salz), weißer Spargel, Béchamelsauce (Vollmilch, Weizenmehl, Butter, Salz, Muskat), Parmigiano, Kerbel, Estragon, Basilikum, Petersilie, Pfeffer.
Einklappbarer Inhalt
Price and Location
Price: The ticket costs €24 per person and is fully refundable up to 24 hours before the event.
Location: Nürnberger Str. 8, 10787 Berlin, Germany
Kids are welcome and pay half price (11€)! Please book your tickets for the adults only and write us how many children are coming.
Event description
In this 5-course brunch event hosted at @Frizza Bistro, Berlin, you will celebrate harvest season with us.
The ticket includes:
1. "Russian Salad" with quail egg and celeriac mayo
2. Chestnut Crespelle with Fontina cheese, mushrooms and leeks
3. Fennel salad with orange and walnuts
4. Nonna (Oma) Angelina's Christmas cake
5. Compressed winter fruit (kaki with star anise, orange with orange blossom & cardamom, pear with mulled wine)
You can order other drinks, coffee and dishes à la carte as you wish.
When you book, choose the time slot.
This event is for you if you'd like to try a different brunch experience, discover a new restaurant, listen to good music or just spend a cosy day savouring the best quality food!
About Frizza
Frizza Bistro is a new urban lunches/aperitifs spot in Charlottenburg, located just a few minutes away from Kadewe, where Italian-German brothers Paul and Philip offer a super-fresh, seasonal Italian cuisine with an international twist - served in a casual and welcoming atmosphere.
Frizza Bistro is the perfect place for a quality lunch and aperitivo in the city center. Visitors and Berliners are served freshly cooked cuisine made from the best ingredients in an urban setting.
About the chef
Kleant is the young and promising chef of Frizza Bistro. He started his career in classic French and Italian restaurants. While his main interest was music and playing guitar, he almost by chance discovered that he was a real culinary talent and thus decided to devote himself completely to cooking. Life has now brought him here to Berlin and he can't wait to share his craft and delight you all! His cuisine style is approachable, Mediterranean and fun - as his personality.